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  1. CosmicRavenN3

    Deleting outpost and your resources used?

    From my experience, you seem to get about half of your resources refunded (but it's honestly hard to say because sometimes it put the resources into my inventory or into my ships', making it difficult to track).
  2. CosmicRavenN3

    I just rolled into my first NG+ after 319 hours, but with a couple of minor regrets

    Considering the amount of time I've spent in Starfield, I have been impressed by the general lack of bugs compared to previous Bethesda titles at launch. I agree that the RNG can be a bit frustrating though. My version of Barrett died, which naturally locked off his entire questline. I was able...
  3. CosmicRavenN3

    My credits, are they safe?

    Apart from the Extended Warranty scammer, I'm not aware of any instances where your credits can be stolen. I'm not saying there isn't a pickpocketing NPC out there, as I'm sure Skyrim had one or two as a scripted event, but I haven't encountered one in 200+ hours of play.
  4. CosmicRavenN3

    People keep attacking me for no reason

    Only just had a thought! Have you tried using the tcai console command? It turns off NPC aggression, which may well be what you need just to get past the glitched missions :D.
  5. CosmicRavenN3

    People keep attacking me for no reason

    There's an explosion? That's really specific. Is it a mine or grenade going off? Also, if you let the explosion go off, leave the area, pay any bounty off (I'm presuming you're getting a bounty if NPCs are suddenly attacking you), waiting a few in-game days, and return, are they still hostile?
  6. CosmicRavenN3

    The question about the bullets(.50)

    Unsurprisingly, there is already a mod in the works!
  7. CosmicRavenN3

    Couple of persistent bugs

    Fingers crossed they fix it sooner rather than later! I get where you're coming from about achievements. It's a bit hit and miss and I remember modding a different character save somehow marked all my saves as modded. As a result, I missed out on several achievements. Had to install the...
  8. CosmicRavenN3

    Echoes of the past

    Damn. Sorry you lost so much progress over a single glitch. If I see a fix for this quest out there, I'll make a note of it. Hopefully, once we've got all the quest IDs and objective IDs in place, we can use console commands to skip these issues (though I have no idea how that'll affect...
  9. CosmicRavenN3

    Gone fishing or gone missing

    Definitely sounds like the update might have bonked a few things on the head for you. Hopefully Bethesda release a hotfix in the very near future. Otherwise, you might be able to use the console command to move an NPC to you to get the Jemison Mercantile NPC back. I don't know how to resolve the...
  10. CosmicRavenN3

    Couple of persistent bugs

    It looks like the specific pavement entities have been disabled somehow - you'll see a similar effect if you ever use the "disable" console command on various environmental objects (which is how I got most of the roof off of Neon for the map). Does leaving the system and returning reload the...
  11. CosmicRavenN3

    Research Station CRASH! Please Help

    Glad you found a fix for it! Thanks for letting everyone know!
  12. CosmicRavenN3

    Landing Ship in Cities Bug

    Lol. I had it recently where I landed at an abandoned hanger (not that they are ever actually abandoned) and my ship auto-landed in the underground hanger area. Unfortunately, because my landing bay was also at the front and my ship was really long, it clipped through the wall. Had to fast...
  13. CosmicRavenN3

    The question about the bullets(.50)

    I've found in all my time in Starfield that finding specific bullets is a bit hit and miss in combat. I get exactly why you don't want to buy bullets (they are shockingly expensive in bulk), but you may have to do that for now until a modder creates a Fabricator that generates bullets at an...
  14. CosmicRavenN3

    Galbank in Akila city

    Huh. At a wild guess, the area hasn't loaded properly. If you leave the planet and return to Akila City (maybe try landing at a random site on the planet first), do the walls come back?
  15. CosmicRavenN3

    Companion post faction missions completion bug

    I've found something similar with main quest stuff. I think companion NPCs queue conversations like this and have to talk about them in order. I remember Sarah asking me about my powers after I already had about 7 of them or so. It's likely the same with other things. Short of exiting and...
  16. CosmicRavenN3

    Burden of Proof crash. Shadows in Neon quest block.

    Weird. I'm guessing that by completing the Crimson Fleet questline, Burden of Proof has become redundant? (Can't see why the UC need evidence of Fleet activities after crushing them). Hopefully something Bethesda patch as definitely sounds like a conflict. Have you tried using the "resurrect"...
  17. CosmicRavenN3

    Echos of the past bug

    That's really weird. I take it that the roof has opened up completely prior to your trying to board the prison ship? I remember that I couldn't interact with it until the roof had opened all the way after beating the Cataxi Queen. Also, is there not autosave from the previous cell you can load?
  18. CosmicRavenN3

    Landing Ship in Cities Bug

    While it would be a shame to change your ship's aesthetic, have you tried moving the loading bay to a different segment of the ship? I'm wondering if there's some sort of collision issue caused by the location of the bay, or the surrounding ship components.
  19. CosmicRavenN3

    SF Bugs - in passing

    I'll agree, the Cargo link and Inter system is extremely clunky and I swear resources have disappeared on me a few times. It's not quite like the previous Fallout supply lines where all resources are instantly available between bases. I guess it makes sense from a Mission Board and...
  20. CosmicRavenN3

    The game get stuck after talking to Walker when giving the second artifact in The Lodge.

    Very thorough! Were you able to resolve this bug by leaving the area or talking to specific NPCs in a specific order?